Sunday 1 December 2019


It can also be a lot of fun. It seemed so easy. Please share on your social network. He then spoke about innovation. Judo as old timers like me know it, has radically changed and many feel not for the better. shinjido

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Because there is no great muscular effort it does indeed seem effortless.

How To Take a Person Down- The Shinjido Way - The Self Defence

Shinjido DVD and videos are available again at fightingfilms dot com. It may shinjiido some time before the light goes on and you know what to do with the new found knowledge.

He then spoke about innovation. Tsukuri or balance breaking is still required but not to the same degree as a judo throw. I just purchased Shinjido downloads on Dec 1, The Shinjido approach is to join with the force of gravity, applying body weight directly down.

With Shinjido, the emphasis is on remaining as relaxed as possible, which allows the application of more weight. The most remarkable first impression is that the throw seemed effortless both for Tori and Uki. Da Costa, like fellow Brit Geof Gleeson, encourages you to step outside that small box that limits most players and coaches.


Something has been lost in translation. This is what she had to say. While the concept is not new to me, the name is. Judo as old timers like me know it, has radically changed and many feel not for the better. As moving shinjifo are worth a thousand words, I recommend Shinjido Evolution Innovations available from Fighting Films as a download. Then Danny Da Costa may just have the method and techniques you need.

The further back they place the driving leg, the more powerful the action will be.

An Interview with the Founder of Shinjido Budo

If it works and it is within the rules, then it is valid. Drop a much bigger person to the floor with a scientific method?

Encourage others to do likewise. From my perspective, Shinjido: Just sharing in case helpful. This is development from the top of the pyramid down. It looks as if this is no longer available from fighting films. I frequently take someone with no martial art or falling experience and drop them down using GAP.

These new techniques are the result of competition success. It is a valid approach but it is not the only way. Uki will seek to prevent this by blocking with an outstretched arm or thrusting his hip forward on the side being attacked. Creativity begets more creativity. Evolution and Innovation made my head spin with ideas. Used with correct timing GAP can be effective against a strike, without any application of specific technique.

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Please share on your social network. If you like this take a look at the trailer at the bottom of the page for his shonjido DVD. Therefore a forward throw becomes the most difficult direction to throw because Tori the thrower must turn degrees and place their driving leg behind them.

I have arthritis in my hands and these techniques I tried with some success, a great addition to any Judoka. Would you like to take a person down with ease?

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