Friday 29 November 2019


Toaplan's systems are generally MUCH simpler to work out than this!!! So, there you have it, an excellent game from a favourite company of mine, and I'm off to have another go right now. You'll be stuck with a boss exploding for all eternity if you don't do it in this order, you can't even kill yourself to try anew. This level is quite dull actually, and doesn't bode well for the rest of the game. It isn't obvious at first play as to what is going on, or even for a few plays after that. Once you have the pattern of attacks down, he can be beaten easily. dogyuun

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If I were a better player I'd certainly try to beat the third doguyun perhaps even the elusive fourth loop - since I barely can keep up with the bullet speed of the second loop, though, there's not much of a point, I'm afraid.

The European versions apparently had slower bullets, and bosses died much faster compared to the Japanese version according to some people.


Such a shame that the emulated version has no sound, and I'm sorry to rub it in. Quick, yet important addendum: Like here, Scorpy gets close and personal when this happens. Japan Jaimers - 3, - Dogyun Runs done on either the Japan or Europe version should most definitely have separate scoreboards. All of that was pretty much identical. It isn't obvious at first play as to what is going on, or even for a few plays after that. As mentioned in the main review, here are the player 1 and 2 ships joined up.

The rain now comes thick and fast, without warning. Have I really sussed it out right?


Look at that phat blue laser go! As a redress I had an amazing sequence towards the end of where I had no idea what I was doing, yet I survived.

So although it wasn't the easiest board to get a hold of, it wasn't the most expensive either, and if you are into pcbs, definitely pick it up, as this is dovyuun one of Toaplan's best before they broke up as a company.

Mind you, it could have easily been dreadful - check out Fixeight - from around the same era, and how disappointing that was.

Dogyuun for Arcade () - MobyGames

You know when either bosses start flashing red or go all blue and fizzy like this they are going to die soon. Its great fun playing as a 1 player game like this, things get appropriately harder too.

Now the real genius of Dogyuun begins! I'm at a loss as to what doyguun say here, for once. Otherwise it plays exactly the same. Here they are, they come flying out of the mothership, and spin a circle round down the bottom. It is currently Mon Sep 30, 8: Buoyant from that, I even tackled Sengoku Blade whose first loop took likewise only two attempts. These things can sometimes spin really fast, and take a lot of hits to kill. Only lost one life in the first loop, made it all the way dogyuunn and then lost all my four remaining lives on that merciless checkpoint before the mid-boss Looking like a giant eagle of sorts, dogyjun mid boss has a really horrible foot swipe attack, again, I have no strategies for this at all.

This is the complicated button.

Or maybe you are one of those people who turn the sound off - something I just can't fathom at all. Previous topic Next topic. This seems to do many things. Ok, I know, it doesn't look a thing like it, but the collect and dodge mechanic is pretty much the same.

This game reminds me a lot of a straight shmup version of Outzone, another brilliant Toaplan game. Pretty sure we're on level 5 now, and this is normally as far as I will get on one credit, playing in ordinary 1 player mode or playing really well, actually.

dotyuun If you hold down the fire button and dogyun laser writhes around both the main part and, after its destruction, the lower part, it might confuse the game somehow as to whether the boss is still alive and - consequentially - the stage is over or not.

Probably my most hated enemies early on are the little greenish ones here, which suddenly fade in and drop two lasers directly in your way. This bloke is the reason why I don't get much further here.

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